Sunday, April 26, 2009

Kaitlyn and the Easter Bunny

Just thought I would share a picture of Kaitlyn with the Easter Bunny. She wanted to take her Build A Bear Rabbit "Reagan" who is named after her friend Reagan from school.
She was really excited about seeing the Easter Bunny this year. She was puzzled because the Easter Bunny was drinking a drink out of a Sonic cup. She kept asking me why the Easter Bunny "wanted to drink that". I told her the Easter Bunny gets thirsty too.
The Easter Bunny looks enormous compared to our sweet little girl!

Friday, April 24, 2009

A Serious Talk with Kaitlyn...

So Chris and I sit down last night at the table with Kaitlyn to have a "serious talk" about her behavior at school this week. She received 2 "Oh No" reports this week mostly because she was not listening to her teachers and was disrupting other kids who were actually trying to take a nap; she obviously was not napping. As we are just about to finish our discussion with her on how to behave and how she is not going to be able to ride her bike when she gets home from school if she cannot behave, she looks at us and says with a smirk on her face and her hands out for emphasis..."Come on guys, what's the problem?" How are we supposed to keep a straight face???

We are in deep trouble if this is how the future "serious" talks are going to go.

Oh, and did I mention when we asked her what happened at school that day she says, through fake tears, "I'm afraid NOT to tell you." I say "You're afraid to tell us?" and she says "I'm afraid NOT to tell you." It is nearly impossible to keep a straight face through all this. She definitely can do dramatic performances that are Oscar worthy!

Fortunately, today was a much better day at school. I was holding my breath when I got to the school hoping for no "Oh No" report. Thankfully, she made it through today without an "Oh No"!

1 day down many more to go...