I had an ultrasound, as part of the Ultrascreen test which screens for Down's Syndrome, on Aug 29th. The test is two parts, an ultrasound and a blood test. The great news is that all results were normal!
I had told Kaitlyn that she could go with me to one of my Dr's appointments so that she could see the baby and hear the heartbeat so she and Mom went with me to this ultrasound.

I had told Kaitlyn that she could go with me to one of my Dr's appointments so that she could see the baby and hear the heartbeat so she and Mom went with me to this ultrasound.
They ultrasound tech put us in a room with a flat screen TV on the wall and the ultrasound was projected on the TV screen so Mom and Kaitlyn were able to see the baby really well. We were able to see both arms, legs, and feet and hear the heartbeat. The heart rate was 158 this time.
We also saw the baby wiggling around and at one point it had its arm drapped across its forehead just like Kaitlyn did in one of the ultrasounds I had with her.
Here are some pictures from the ultrasound. I was 11 weeks and 3 days but the baby was measuring at 12 weeks in the ultrasound.

The ultrasound tech asked if I wanted to know what she thought the sex was and I said "Yes!". Even though it is really early to determine sex she said she thought it was a BOY and was able to show us what looked like a boy part on the ultrasound.
I then had my regular 12 week visit with Dr. Journey on Tuesday, Sept 2nd. She did another ultrasound as part of the visit but she was not able to confirm the sex during that ultrasound because her machine was not as high resolution as the machine the tech used at the 11 week ultrasound...so we will have to wait until the 16 week visit on Sept 29th to confirm the sex.
12 weeks
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