Monday, November 2, 2009

It's a...


We had our 20 week ultrasound on Friday, October 23rd. The tech asked us if we wanted to know the sex and we of course said yes. It was the first thing she saw when she started the ultrasound and she said "It's a Boy!"

His heart rate was 136 bpm which the tech said was great. We also got some great profile pictures of him and a great picture of his foot.

The tech looked at my cervix via the ultrasound and said that my placenta is lying right on top of my cervix and this is called placenta previa. She said there is a possibility that it could move when my uterus stretches as I get further along.

On Tuesday, October 27th, we had our appointment with Dr. Jurney. She said that although she doesn't think that I have a "complete" previa, meaning that it is covering the entire cervix, she said that it is covering more than 50% of my cervix and is on the back wall of my uterus, and therefore unlikely to move. She said to prepare myself to have a c-section and that since they can't let me go into labor that I would most likely have the baby via c-section at 36-37 weeks. We also got to hear the baby's heartbeat again and it was 139 bpm. Our next appointment is on November 24th and I will have another ultrasound then to determine if the placenta has moved or if I will definitely need a c-section.

On another note...Kaitlyn has decided that she wants to name her baby brother Adam. She got the name from the "Snow Buddies" movie that she loves to watch. The little boy in the movie is named Adam. We have tried to explain to her that we have some other names that we are considering but she is bound and determined to name him Adam.

On Monday I walked into her school to pick her up and Miss Tanya at the front desk said "I heard you're having a baby boy and naming him Adam". I told her "Well you got the first part right". She then told me that Kaitlyn had been telling all the teachers that she is having a baby brother and his name is going to be Adam. At the dinner table on Tuesday night she was talking out loud to her baby brother and she said "Mommy and Daddy said I can't name you Adam so I think I am just going to call you (long pause while she is thinking)... ADAM!" So Kaitlyn remains unconvinced that his name will be anything other than Adam.

Chris has been hard at work this week cleaning out the guest bedroom and moving everything into storage so we now have a clean empty room just waiting for the crib. We are planning on buying Kaitlyn new furniture for her room so once we have that we will just move her crib etc. into the baby's room.

And last but not is my latest belly picture. This was taken at 19 weeks.

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