The card Kaitlyn wanted to give Collin
Good news to report on Collin.
Chris and I went to see him after breakfast this morning and they had increased his oxygen to 64%, the good news is that since that time he has been able to have his first meal (via the tube they have down his throat into his tummy) and his oxygen has now been decreased, to the lowest it has been since he was put on the CPAP machine, 44%. He has to get down to 21% before they will take him off the CPAP, but he has made quite a bit of progress today.
At noon today he received his first feeding of breast milk and he was fed again at 3 pm and Chris just took the last bottle I pumped up for the 6 PM feeding and got a report that they have now decreased his oxygen to 42%. He is responding well to the feedings and has not had any problems keeping them down. I am pumping every 3 hours so that they can continue to feed him breastmilk but he is also receiving supplementation with formula.
He is also now sucking on the pacifier every now and then, which he was not doing before, so hopefully that means he will be able to breastfeed soon after he comes off the CPAP.
Chris and I will be here through tomorrow at least and if Collin has to stay Sunday night then we may also be able to stay Sunday night with him. Hopefully he will continue to make progress and we will all be able to go home together on Monday but we won't get to talk to his Dr's again until they make rounds tomorrow morning between 9-10.
Please keep Collin in your thoughts and prayers! He is making progress.
We will be seeing him again after the nurses have shift change tonight so hopefully we will have more good news to report.
2/19/2010 @ 11:09 PM
As many of you have already heard Collin arrived yesterday via c-section 4 weeks early.
Collin was doing well in the OR right after he was born but started grunting before we made it out of the OR and was taken up to the nursery for further evaluation and oxygen.
After a couple of hours in the nursery on oxygen he was still struggling to breath because his lungs are not fully developed and the Dr's made the decision to take him up to the NICU and admit him.
Collin has been in the NICU now since a couple of hours after his birth and will be staying there tonight. He started out with an oxygen dome over his face, then they put the tubes up his nose and now they have him on a CPAP machine to give him even more oxygen. We saw him about an hour ago and his was getting 50% oxygen. They need to be able to decrease it down to 21% oxygen before they will take him off the CPAP.
He is receiving IV fluids and has not been able to breastfeed. We are hopeful that he will continue to improve over the next day and be able to come off the CPAP and attempt to eat.
Kaitlyn is anxious to see him. She hasn't be able to see him since they brought him out of the OR and put him in the nursery.
Chris was able to hold him in the OR quite a bit while my arms were still strapped down. I was able to hold him for the first time while I was in the recovery room for a few minutes before they took him up to the NICU.
I am hopeful that I will be able to hold him tomorrow if he is doing better. He has made some progress today but does not want to suck on the pacifier. Overall, he is doing pretty good he just needs some help breathing because he is having to work so hard to breath because of his underdeveloped lungs. His heart rate is good and so far he is not showing any signs of infection.
I am doing much better today than yesterday and have been able to get out of bed since around 7 this morning and move around. Chris and I have been up to the NICU several times today and are about to visit again before trying to get some sleep. We are both super exhausted but Chris has been taking good care of me.
Collin was doing well in the OR right after he was born but started grunting before we made it out of the OR and was taken up to the nursery for further evaluation and oxygen.
After a couple of hours in the nursery on oxygen he was still struggling to breath because his lungs are not fully developed and the Dr's made the decision to take him up to the NICU and admit him.
Collin has been in the NICU now since a couple of hours after his birth and will be staying there tonight. He started out with an oxygen dome over his face, then they put the tubes up his nose and now they have him on a CPAP machine to give him even more oxygen. We saw him about an hour ago and his was getting 50% oxygen. They need to be able to decrease it down to 21% oxygen before they will take him off the CPAP.
He is receiving IV fluids and has not been able to breastfeed. We are hopeful that he will continue to improve over the next day and be able to come off the CPAP and attempt to eat.
Kaitlyn is anxious to see him. She hasn't be able to see him since they brought him out of the OR and put him in the nursery.
Chris was able to hold him in the OR quite a bit while my arms were still strapped down. I was able to hold him for the first time while I was in the recovery room for a few minutes before they took him up to the NICU.
I am hopeful that I will be able to hold him tomorrow if he is doing better. He has made some progress today but does not want to suck on the pacifier. Overall, he is doing pretty good he just needs some help breathing because he is having to work so hard to breath because of his underdeveloped lungs. His heart rate is good and so far he is not showing any signs of infection.
I am doing much better today than yesterday and have been able to get out of bed since around 7 this morning and move around. Chris and I have been up to the NICU several times today and are about to visit again before trying to get some sleep. We are both super exhausted but Chris has been taking good care of me.
I know this is a long rambling message but I wanted to post an update so that I could catch everyone up. I am attaching some pictures of Collin hopefully he will have some more pictures soon without all the tubes and wires attached.
Collin in the OR
Collin in the NICU on the CPAP
Please keep him in your your prayers. We are so eager to hold him and have him in the room with us.
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