Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Our new routine

So we are still settling into our new routine but Collin has made it pretty easy on us so far.

Collin's routine consists of waking up, getting his diaper (changed all the while squealing and grunting because he has suddenly realized he is starving even though he was asleep seconds earlier), eating and sometimes getting a diaper change again and new outfit and blanket after his diaper leaks all over me and him while he is eating, going back to sleep for 2.5-3 hours and repeat. In the past 24 hours Collin is working on setting some kind of record for the most outfit changes by one baby. I think we have gone through at least 6 onesies/sleepers!

He is apparently very attached to his umbilical cord as he has not parted with it yet and he is now 20 days old and it is still hanging around!

My routine consists of nursing Collin on demand, which usually happens every 2.5-3 hours, but surprisingly; I feel like I have alot of downtime in between his feedings during the day. Now at night when I am trying to get back to sleep after being awake for an hour, it doesn't feel like there is that much time between feedings, but I still don't feel as sleep deprived as I did with Kaitlyn. I think the second time around is definitely easier! Maybe it is because I knew what to expect but it seems easier this time to find time for things like eating and showering! Don't get me wrong, I am still exhausted but not as overwhelmingly as much as I was last time.

Chris' new routine has been helping me with Collin throughout the night (he usually gets burping duty after I feed Collin because I just don't seem to be able to get him to burp like he does for Chris) grocery shopping, washing clothes, and making sure I take care of myself during the day, then cooking dinner, cleaning the kitchen, bathtime and bedtime with Kaitlyn in the evening. I know that he is exhausted and there are times when we are both delirious so it is good that we have each other to keep things straight. Chris is sure to win Father/Husband of the Year this year, at least in my book!

Last week we had Laura from Studio Bloom Photography come to our house to take Collin's newborn pictures. It was fun, but it was alot of work for all involved.

Collin decided he was starving as soon as Laura arrived so I had to feed him right when she got here. Then instead of falling fast asleep like he usually does after eating, he was wide awake. As you may or may not, know taking pictures of a newborn is definitely easier when they are sleeping because you can pose their little arms and legs when they are asleep and they leave them in that position. This is especially helpful when the baby is naked and you are trying to cover certain areas with their legs! Collin would let Laura pose his legs and feet and right when she got ready to snap the picture he would decide to stretch his legs and show off all his little parts we were trying to cover.

I put Collin in one of his pea pods that Mee Mee got him for one of the pictures, keep in mind he was naked underneath the pea pod. Collin decided that since it was a "pea pod" he would make it a pee pee pod and emptied his bladder and I didn't realize that until I picked him up and held him against my shirt so then my shirt was also wet.

I wanted to get a few pictures of Kaitlyn with Collin in his birthday suit and I had bought this really simple white dress for Kaitlyn to wear in the pictures. I got Kaitlyn all dressed in her outfit and sent her into Collin's room to take pictures with him. Laura had Collin wrapped up inside a piece of material and she took a few pictures of Kaitlyn with Collin all swaddled up and that worked out fine. Then I asked Laura if we could take the wrap off and get some with Collin in his birthday suit with Kaitlyn; this is when the photo shoot ended for Kaitlyn. She refused to take pictures with him while he was naked! Laura, Chris and I tried to think of every possible thing we could say to bribe Kaitlyn to get her in the picture but she wasn't having it. We took a few more pictures of Collin by himself and some with me and Chris, then it was time to take a picture of the whole family. Collin was, of course naked, and Kaitlyn refused to get anywhere near him. She finally agreed to get in the picture but she sat on Chris' lap as far away from Collin as possible and she had her arms crossed in most of the pictures and looked as if she was miserable. This is when it got really interesting...

Sometime during the process of taking the family photos Collin decided he had to go to the bathroom and apparently pooped all down my shirt and on my jeans, only none of us noticed because Laura was mainly focusing on our faces and we were all looking at the camera. When we finished taking the family pictures Chris looks at me and said "Kara he pooped all over you". So needless to say, I had to have a wardrobe change for the remaining pictures.

It was all worth it though because the pictures are so cute. Laura put a sneak peek of the pictures on her blog. Click the link below and look for the posting on March 9th titled "Newborn Boy" and you can see a few of the pictures from our session.


We haven't left the house much during this time because the pediatrician suggested we keep Collin as isolated as possible during this time because he is a preemie and is more susceptible to respiratory viruses and that could put us back in the NICU, but we have had a few visitors since we have been home.

Here are some pictures of Collin with some of his first visitors.

Collin & Mee Mee

Collin & Aunt Sarah

Collin & Mamaw

Collin & Paw Paw Barry

Collin & Cousin Seth

Collin & Paw Paw Kenny

Collin & Grampy

And last but not least some of my new favorite pictures of Collin.

Collin in his tie onesie ready to go visit Mee Mee

Sleeping peacefully

Before with the pacifier

After Chris pulled the pacifier out

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