Monday, June 28, 2010

Just when I thought...

That Kaitlyn had outgrown all her cute phrases she tells me this morning "Mom, Emma's breath smells like Petunia Fish!"

I said "Do you mean Tuna Fish?" and she says "Yea", like of course that's what I meant Mom, duh.

Then on the way to school today, she was telling me about how they now have Toy Story 3 Action Figures at Walmart and Target, only she is telling me that there are "Toy Story Action Fingers". I tell her they are called "Action Figures" and she tells me that she has "2 My Little Pony Action Fingers." I give up at this point, it was too cute to hear her say it to correct her again.

She also pronounces "Crayons" as "Crowns" no matter how many times Chris and I try to set her straight it always comes out as "Crowns" when she says it.

It's funny, at the time you think you will never forget all their cute phrases, but then they get older and start to pronounce things correctly and you forget some of the cute ways they used to say things.

One of my all time favorites though has to be "Yarden". She used to refer to all yards as "Yardens" as in "Let's go outside and play in the yarden." I think this originated at Mamaw and Paw Paw's house because they actually have a garden, so if you think about it a yard with a garden in it too = Yarden. Makes perfect sense right?

I know there are several more that I can't remember at the moment, so if you are reading this and you remember some of her cute phrases that she used to say, post a comment to remind me!

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