Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The transfer is complete!

The embryo transfer took place on Monday and everything went well.

The Dr. called us Monday around 11 am to give us an update on the embryos so that we would not have to wait until our 1:30 appointment to find out. She said that we had 2 embryos that we could potentially transfer. One was Stage 1 blasocyst in development and the other was a Stage 2 on its way to a Stage 3. She also said that we had several others that they would continue to watch over the next day as they might develop to the point where we could freeze them.

When we got to the office that afternoon we met with Dr. McKenzie to decide how many embryos to transfer (1 or 2). After talking with Dr. McKenzie we felt that transferring 1 embryo was the best decision because transferring 2 would have given us a 40% chance of twins. Transferring two has its benefits though because it basically doubles your chance of success, but we felt that after weighing the risks vs. the benefits it was better to transfer just one.

When the embryologist came into the room with the incubator he gave us a printout of what the 2 embryos look like under the microscope. Since 8 am that morning the embryos had both grown to Stage 3 so they were now both the same size and stage of development. Chris asked him how they were going to decide which one to transfer since we were only transferring one. The embryologist was not yet aware that we were only transferring one so he had to take the incubator back out of the room and look at them under the microscope again to determine which one was the best.

We got to watch the entire procedure on the ultrasound. It was all a very surreal experience. Now we just have to pray that it worked!

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