Saturday, June 13, 2009

Where we are at now

I haven't updated the blog in a while to tell all of you where we are at now.

Chris and I are about to start the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF). After seeing one reproductive endocrinologist for 5 months and several failed attempts to get pregnant and complications from all the medications, it looked like we were heading towards in vitro fertilization as our best option for getting pregnant. Chris and I decided to get a second opinion and consulted another reproductive endo, Dr. McKenzie.

After meeting with Dr. McKenzie, Chris and I felt more comfortable about IVF and decided to begin the process with Dr. McKenzie. After much waiting, this month begins our first attempt at IVF; and if it works the first time, hopefully our last.

We are so thankful to have this option, even though we never thought this was a road we would have to take and we are looking forward to adding a new addition to our family.

We feel so blessed that we were fortunate enough to have Kaitlyn. I can't imagine what it would be like to go through this journey to have our first child. She gets us through all of this because if we start to feel discouraged we just have to look at her beautiful smile and remember what a miracle she is and we know that we will again be blessed when the time is right.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers in the coming weeks. It looks like the egg transfer may take place around the 1st of July.

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