Monday, February 15, 2010

Possible change of plans

So today was an interesting day. The Dr's office called this morning and asked me to come back in today for another ultrasound to re-check the amniotic fluid levels. I went in today for another ultrasound and it showed that my amniotic fluid level had dropped to 6.4. On Saturday it was at 7 and it should be between 5 and 25 so although it is in the normal range, it is lower than the Dr. wants it to be given that I have placenta previa. We left the Dr's office after that ultrasound and the tech told us they would call us tomorrow to review the results.

We had just pulled out of the parking garage when the nurse called us and asked me to go over to the hospital to Labor & Delivery for IV fluids to try to hydrate me to get the amniotic fluid levels up. Chris and I thought that this would be a simple in and out type thing and that they would just hook me up to an IV for a few hours and then send me home. After we were triaged and admitted the nurse asked me if they had explained to me that I would be staying overnight. I told her that they hadn't. She said that they needed to keep me overnight to get the fluids in and do another ultrasound in the morning.

So we are here for the night now and will have the biophysical ultrasound in the morning where they will measure the amount of amniotic fluid again. We are at Children's Memorial Hermann in Room 584. Hopefully, we are not here to stay!

We were not yet packed for the hospital (I had just begun to pack my bag since we were supposed to have another week and 1/2) so Chris had to go home and pack for me and him and get Kaitlyn and Emma packed for Mee Mee.

I will post an update in the morning if time allows. Going to bed soon just in case this is my last night for a full night of sleep ;-). I am hoping to go home tomorrow and wait another week though!

1 comment:

Tony and Melissa said...

I hope all goes well and that he comes when he is ready (and healthy). I can't wait to see pictures of your little Collin.